Monday, February 23, 2009

So, why am I running for City Council?

I love Dublin . It has become my home over the last seven years. It is where I have spent most of my adult life. There are so many great things about Dublin and particularly the North Inner City.

But, it is no use pretending it's perfect. In fact, some things are far from perfect - and I want to be on the City Council to help sort these problems out!

We need to get to grips with the criminal gang culture that has claimed the lives of too many young people in the last year.

Local communities deserve to get back their sense of security - because unless people feel safe, they will never make us of the immense opportunities Dublin's North Inner City has to offer.

I am running for the City Council because I wantt o make the North Inner City an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

I promise to work hard and do my very best to represent our communities on Dublin City Council. I know I can bring something new to an area that has been represented by the same people for a long time.

That's why I'm running for Dublin City Council.

Sick and tired of 'politics as usual'?

The local elections offer the best chance to shake up local government and to provide you with a greater say in how our city is run. The only way you can guarantee political change at local and national level is to vote Fine Gael. Fine Gael is committed to ending Fianna Fail's control of Dublin City Council and Fianna Fail's grip on national government.

This government:
  • has systematically destroyed our public health service
  • has put property developers and vested interests before people and communities
  • is losing the war on a day to day basis against gangland crime
  • is crippling our education system with vicious cuts to services
  • has failed to deliver on key public transport for Dublin
  • has sat idly by while PPP housing projects have collapsed across the North Inner City
  • has viciously targeted old age pensioners and school children in an attempt to make up for 11 years of mismanagement of the public finances

Ray McAdam:

New Voice on Local Issues,

A new and energetic voice for our community

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Anti-Social Behaviour - Increased Garda Patrols

Local residents have expressed their concern to me about problems with anti-social behviour in the area. Particular difficulties have been experienced on Cowper Street and Finn Street by residents and brought these to the attention of Local Gardai. People must feel safe in their homes and on the streets. To combat this problem, I have repeatedly called for the greater use of CCTV on streets with this being backed up with more Gardai on the beat tackling crime. As a result of representations made by Senator Paschal Donohoe and myself, we have been informed by Gardai that an additional Inspector has been appointed for O'Devaney Gardens and surrounding streets. I very much welcome this appointment and I hope it will help to deal effectively with anti-social behviour by keeping a highly visibly presence in this area.

Ray with Fine Gael Dublin Central Senator Paschal Donohoe

Paschal is a former member of Dublin City Council and was elected to the Seanad in 2007. He uses his position as a Senator to raise issues of local importance with the Government in the Seanad. Issues that he has recently raised include local housing plans, community policing plans, the future of our local health services and public transport plans.

He is the Fine Gael Seanad spokesperson on Transport and a member of the European Affairs and Transport Oireachtas Committees. He is always available to help with local issues and will be working with Ray to do whatever they can to advance the needs and concerns of the communities of the North Inner City and the wider Dublin Central constitutency over the coming years.

Junk Mail - How you can prevent it!

Householders can now stop junk mail arriving at their home. To do so, you need to complete a Junk Mail Prevention form which can be downloaded from or you can request a form by calling the Irish Direct Marketing Association on 01 - 830 4752. Once you complete the form, return by post free of charge to Mailing Preference Service, P.O Box 5609, Freepost, Dublin 4. Should you have any difficulty getting a form, do not hesiate to get in touch with me and I;ll arrange for a form to be sent to you.

Building Energy Ratings - Now Compulsory

A Building Energy Rating (BER) is similar to an energy label for household electrical appliances like fridges and toasters. The BER has a scale of A - G. A-rated homes are the most energy efficient with G-rated the least sufficient. From January 1st, it became compulsory for all homes being sold or rented to receive a BER certificate. The BER certificate must accompany an offer to sell or let a home by either the vendor or landlord. These BER assessments will be carried out by BER assessors who have trained under the National Framework of Qualifications and have registered with Sustainable Energy Ireland. More detailed information can be found on, but should you require any other information please contact me.