Saturday, October 25, 2008

St. Bricin's Park Update

Dear Resident,

Thank you for the warm welcome I recently received when I called to your home. If I missed you, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me about any local matter. I am your Fine Gael Representative in the North Inner City. Some issues were raised with me and I would like to provide you with an update on these and City Council matters.

Many residents highlighted the need for the gullies in the area to be cleaned. After speaking to residents about this matter, I contacted the City Council seeking to have these gullies checked and cleaned at the earliest possible opportunity. A number of local people have informed me that this work has now been carried out. I am delighted to see that the gullies have been cleared given the time of year we are now in.

Street Maintenance
A number of constituents raised their concerns with me about the need for the footpaths in St. Bricin’s Park to be repaired. I contacted the Roads Maintenance seeking to have these paths repaired and re-surfaced. The City Council’s Parks Division will liaise with Road Maintenance to seek funding for this work. I will continue to this up with the Council until the work has been completed. As and when I receive further information, I will keep you updated.

If I can be of help to you on these or any other local matter, please do not hesitate to contact me on 086 – 190 6209.

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